
1095-C Forms

1095-C forms are not required to file your taxes and will be mailed only upon request.

Printed copies will be mailed within 30 days of request*


Access your form now through Workday

Retirees: Choose the option to sign on with ID and password. Your former employee ID is your user ID. Your password is the one you set during Open Enrollment. If you've forgotten your password, send us an email to receive a password reset link.*

Enter “ACA Forms” in the Workday search bar.

Select “My ACA Forms” and choose 2024.

To request a copy by mail, email us* at Additional options for making your request include mail* and phone:

City of Tucson Benefits Office, PO Box 27210, Tucson, AZ 85726, phone 520.791.4597

*Please include your employee ID number, name, address, and phone number in your request.

What We Offer

Your Health and Wellbeing

What We Offer

Your Security and Future

What We Offer

Your Peace of Mind

Benefits News

Join the Cigna & COT Heart Walk Team Today!

Join the fun and support heart health! Please share with your family, friends, and co-workers to walk with the City’s team this year.

Saturday, April 26, 2025

Join the Team Today:

 Kick-off meeting for the Cigna/COT Team

On March 12, from 12-1 pm

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 216 337 971 696

Passcode: 8uY7rV64

Onsite early detection Bexa breast exams

We have partnered with Bexa to bring early detection breast exams onsite at NO COST to you.  

  • Eligibility: City of Tucson employees ages 30+ who are enrolled in the City's Cigna medical insurance

Bexa is NOT a mammogram. Bexa is painless (NO squeeze), accurate, and radiation-free. Watch this 2-minute video to learn more.

Schedule your Exam NOW! 

  • Scheduling is first come, first served. Spots fill quickly! 
  • Have your insurance card available. You must enter your Cigna ID number, which starts with a U.

Bexa and MotivateMe

A Bexa breast exam qualifies through MotivateMe for primary subscribers enrolled in the City's Cigna medical insurance.

Why Choose Bexa?

  • Convenient: Takes less than 30 minutes on the comfort of a heated massage table!
  • Painless: No compression or squeeze 
  • Radiation-Free: Safe for all ages including women under 40, and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Immediate Results: The Bexa examiner will discuss your results with you, and you'll receive an exam report. The Exam also includes an ultrasound if needed at NO COST to you, provided you meet eligibility outlined above.
  • Accurate: A highly accurate exam for all women, including women with dense breast tissue. 
  • Women Love It: 99% of women who have a Bexa Breast Exam say they'd choose it again and would refer Bexa to a coworker. See what women are saying about the Bexa Breast Exam here

Had your mammogram already this plan year? 

This plan year, you still can have a Bexa Breast Exam. 


We hope you schedule your appointment today! If you have questions, please reach out to Linda Kile:

Onsite Massages:

Come to Relieve Tension!

Enjoy a free, fully clothed 10-minute massage including:

  • Back
  • Neck
  • Shoulders

*Available to City of Tucson benefits-eligible employees.

Follow this link and schedule:
Massage information and registration

Call 520-355-7788 to cancel or to be added to the waitlist

Congratulations to our 2024 - 25 Holiday Maintain Don't Gain Challenge winners! 

Alejandra Acedo
Joyce Hardage
Alisha Stubblefield
Kim Lecy
Anastacia Sanders
Leanne Nieukirk
Angela Gallego
Liliana Almeraz
Anna Moreno
Linda Fortuno
Anthony Burgess
Linda Kile
Brianna Noperi
Lisa Higgins
Carina Callahan
Maria Sereno
Carrie Fairchild
Maryann Munoz
Chris Brewer
Megan Sanes
Czelsa Acosta
Melissa Scaff
Deanna Villegas
Michelle Hamilton
Deborah Munez
MJ Raciti
Desi Navarro
Nancy Fraire
Dianna Riviera
Norma Haynes
Eleanor Castillo
Pamela Lyons
Elisa Garcia
Patrick Pina
Elisa Ochoa
Rebecca McPherson
Elizabeth Leyva
Robin Davis
Francisca Montano
Shawna Lee
Geethmi Dissanaya
Shujie Breither
Geraldine Hale
Tekisha Jones
Jacob Pawson
Tereasa Martin
Jinixa Morales
Tiffany Tuccio
Josh Halversen
Tom Sisterman

Thank you to all who participated!

Congratulations City of Tucson on placing #3 in the 2024 Phoenix Business Journal’s Healthiest Employer large company category!

City of Tucson also ranked #48 in the 2023 Healthiest 100 Workplaces in America competition!

Learning Center


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I'm Enrolled in the HSA Plan. Now What?:

Cigna EAP Recorded Webcasts:


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Learning Center

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Health and Wellness Resources

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Wellness: /our_resources/human_resources/benefits/wellness

Insurance FAQ: /our_resources/human_resources/benefits/faq

Rates: /our_resources/human_resources/benefits/benefits_rates

Save Money: /our_resources/human_resources/benefits/save

Insurance Forms and Documents: /our_resources/human_resources/benefits/benefitsforms


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Insurance & Wellness

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My Cigna:

Insurance Handbook:

Important Plan Notices: /our_resources/human_resources/benefits/legal


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Quick Links

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Contact Us

Insurance & Wellness

Eligibility, enrollment, events 

Pension & Deferred Compensation



Employee Engagement & Workforce Development

Training, tuition reimbursement, volunteerism 

Leaves and Accessibility

Employee leaves, Donated Leave,  and ADA Reasonable Accommodation 

Contact one of our Vendors

Cigna - medical, dental, EAP

  • 800-244-6224 (members)
  • 888-806-5042 (pre-enrollment)

Avesis - vision

  • 833-282-2438
  • Plan 926COT-L2
  • Group 10790-2150 (employees) & 10790-2152 (retirees)

Hartford - life & LTD

  • 888-301-5615 (claims)
  • 800-331-7234 (applications)

ASI Flex (flexible spending accounts)

Colonial (voluntary insurance)

Viewed 153,610 times