Pension & Retirement

Retire from City of Tucson

This is where you find resources for planning your retirement.  

Follow the links below to access three different systems that will help you.  

In addition you can use the planning tools available in the deferred compensation plan to summarize your total retirement income.

Estimate your benefit for your City sponsored retirement plan
Firefighters* and Police Officers
All other City Employees
Estimate your benefit for Social Security
See deferred compensation and access retirement planning    Empower Retirement LogoSchedule a meeting electronically with Cory Sprott-Cox: 

Or call her at: 520-479-4852

* Firefighters may also participate in the deferred compensation plan through the IAFF and run by Nationwide. 
For this information, please contact your account representative: 
Klark Krauter (520) 262-0348 



phone: 520-791-4598

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Retirement Seminar

What if I die?

Your pension belongs to you, but if you pass away your money will go to your beneficiary.  This form tells us who gets your money.


HR-Pension & Deferred Compensation

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Benefits Home: /our_resources/hr~2/benefits

Human Resources Home: /our_resources/hr~2


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Viewed 24,469 times