Long Term Disability

City-paid LTD

Disability insurance replaces a portion of your income if you have a qualifying disability.

City-paid coverage

The City provides you with a long term disability benefit

  • Replaces 60% of your base salary, up to a maximum of $4,000 per month
  • Benefit begins to pay after 180 days of qualifying disability
  • Benefit lasts for five years

Optional Buy-up LTD

Why Choose the LTD Buy-Up?

You have the option to buy-up coverage for a richer benefit:

  • Shorter claims waiting period
    • The buy-up cuts the waiting period in half - from 180 days to 90 days
  • Longer benefit payment period
    • The buy-up increases the benefit period from 5 years to when you reach age 65
  • Higher monthly benefit
    • If you make more than $80,000 base salary, you'll receive a greater benefit with the buy-up
      • The buy-up increases the maximum monthly benefit from $4,000 to $6,000
      • Since the benefit pays 60% of base salary, this means that the buy-up covers base salary between $80,000 and $120,000

Signing up

Enrolling when you're newly hired or eligible

  • When you're a new employee (or a newly benefits-eligible employee), you're guaranteed the optional buy-up coverage
    • Simply select the buy-up option during your initial benefits enrollment.

Waiting and enrolling later

  • If you decide to wait and apply for the buy-up later during an open enrollment period, coverage is not guaranteed
    • In addition to requesting coverage through the online open enrollment process, you'll need to complete a personal health application
    • The Hartford will review your application and approve or decline your request based on your health

Plan Documents & Filing a claim

Filing an LTD Claim

If you expect to be out of work for the full duration of your claim waiting period, submit your application halfway through the waiting period

  • Apply after 45 days if you have the buy-up coverage
  • Apply after 90 days if you have the basic coverage

NOTE: Employees who have purchased Short Term Disability through Colonial should contact Colonial for short term disability claims.

Plan Documents & Filing a claim

The Hartford is the City's Long Term Disability carrier for disabilities that began between July 1, 2020 through present

Plan Documents & Filing a claim

MetLife was the City's Long Term Disability carrier for disabilities that began July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020

  • MetLife LTD Policy Booklet
  • MetLife LTD Claim Form
    • You complete the Employee Statement
    • Your department completes the Employer Statement
      • Group Report # is 0160286; leave the subdivision and branch numbers blank
      • Contact your Benefits team for Premium Contribution information and date Enrollment Card was signed
      • If the claim is work-related, contact OHL for Worker's Comp carrier information
    • Your doctor completes the Attending Physician Statement

Questions? Call MetLife Disability Call Center: 1-800-638-2242

Claims payment limitations

  • You must use all your accrued time off before benefit will begin to pay
  • Benefits are reduced if you or your family member receives disability retirement, Worker's Compensation or Social Security as a result of your disability
  • Limitations exist for pre-existing conditions and disabilities due to mental illness or substance abuse

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Contact the Benefits team


Alejandra Fisher
Cigna Well-Being Coordinator

Melissa Soto-Gonzalez
Cigna Client Service Partner

Contact The Hartford

Group #: 681052
Underwriting (EOI): 800-331-7234
Claims: 888-301-5615

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