
Employees and retirees enrolled in CIGNA medical or dental are eligible for vision discounts through Cigna's Healthy Rewards program.


Vision insurance through Avesis helps you save money when you need a vision exam,* glasses, contacts or LASIK.

  • Includes both in- and out-of-network benefits
    • You'll pay less by visiting in-network providers
  • Annual benefit includes an eye exam, plus lenses and frames for a small copay, when provided by an in-network provider

Visit the Employee Vision Plan Benefit Summary for details.

* Medical conditions relating to eyes are covered under the medical benefit


Participating retirees receive the same exam, frame, lens and LASIK benefits as employees.  

However, some of the rules change once you retire:
  • Retirees pay premiums directly to Avesis
    • Pension deduction not available
  • Retirees and their dependents must maintain continuous vision insurance to be eligible for coverage
    • Individuals who aren't enrolled at the time of retirement may not be able to join later

Visit the Retiree Vision Benefit Summary for coverage details.

Vision Payment Address as of June 15th: 

Fidelity Security Life 

ATTN: Accounts Receivable 

P.O. Box 842531 

Los Angeles, CA 90084-2531

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Contact the Benefits team


Alejandra Fisher
Cigna Well-Being Coordinator

Melissa Soto-Gonzalez
Cigna Client Service Partner

Contact Avesis


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