Behavioral & Mental Health

Behavioral & Mental Health

Dedicated Counselors for City employees

Meet Lauren and Tanya, our fully licensed dedicated behavioral health counselors. They are available to help City of Tucson employees achieve greater balance through no-cost, private, confidential virtual meetings. 

Behavioral Health Counselor.JPG

City of Tucson employees may schedule virtual counseling meetings by following these steps: 

  • Click on the scheduling link HERE
  • Choose Behavioral Health Counseling
  • Then City of Tucson
  • Then proceed through the steps to set your appointment

Assistance for family members

Family members of City of Tucson employees have mental health benefits available through the City's EAP - see details on the EAP tab on this page - and also through our Medical plans.

Assistance for retirees

Family members of City of Tucson employees have mental health benefits available through our Medical plans.

If you are experiencing a crisis or emergency, help is available, call 911. Otherwise, the Crisis Line, (520) 622-6000, can connect you with a counselor 24/7. Please refer to our Mental Health Crisis page for resources.

Behavioral & Mental Health

Cigna Digital Resource Behavioral Guide

Note that City benefits offer you six free EAP visits per issue per year (even though the guide states three)

  • Headspace Care
    • Confidential behavioral health coaching for stress, anxiety, depression, issues with work, relationships, sleep, and more
    • Available 24/7/365  via text, self-guided learning activities, and, if needed, video-based therapy and psychiatry
    • Coaching, therapy & psychiatry, and skill building resources - all in one place
  • Monument
    • Monument offers a holistic online alcohol treatment program, tailored to your person goals
    • Features include specialized therapy, medication options, therapist moderated groups, and a 24/7 anonymous forum
  • MAP Health Management
    • MAP helps support mental health and addiction recovery through the use of Peer Recovery Support Specialists
    • 24/7 web-based and phone support available
  • MD Live Virtual Care
    • 24/7/365 care from board-certified doctors and licensed counselors, who can diagnose, treat and prescribe medicine for many common, non-emergency medical, mental and behavioral issues
    • You can even get your virtual wellness screening from anywhere by making your appointment online, going for a quick visit to a lab for blood work and biometrics, and completing the rest via video or phone
  • Meru Health 
    • A 12-week confidential mental healthcare program to help improve mental health long-term by treating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and burnout. 
      • Licensed therapists & psychiatrists
      • Anonymous peer support
      • Biofeedback
      • Habit-changing activities
      • Mindfulness practices accessed on demand via your smartphone
  • NOCD
    • NOCD offers video-based therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), including Mindfulness and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) therapy
    • Virtual live therapy & private texting with therapists available between sessions

  • Sondermind
    • Find licensed therapists who are available for video, texting, and in-person sessions based on your needs
    • All ages accepted for a multitude of conditions
  • Talkspace Telebehavioral Health Care
    • Connect with licensed behavioral therapists via text messaging or live visits. To get started:
      • Take a brief survey
      • Pick your licensed therapist
      • Begin your journey toward a happier you through ongoing support from your chosen therapist
    • Benefits-eligible employees may use free EAP sessions with Talkspace, with each week of texting generally equaling one EAP session, regardless of how many messages you send; contact the EAP to get started


Confidential · Free · 24/7/365


Managers: For onsite scheduling, contact Alejandra Fisher at 520-837-4171

Cigna's EAP offers you and your household members assistance with life's challenges, from mental health or substance use, to legal, financial, and identity theft support. 

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Contact the Benefits team


Alejandra Fisher
Cigna Well-Being Coordinator

Melissa Soto-Gonzalez
Cigna Client Service Partner

Contact Cigna EAP 

  • Employer ID: cityoftucson (for initial registration)


TTY/TDD users call 1-877-486-2048 or 711

Managers: For onsite scheduling, contact Melissa Soto-Gonzalez at 520-837-4180 or Alejandra Fisher  at 520-837-4171 

Viewed 13,886 times