NEW Connect & Grow

Upcoming NEW Connect & Grow

March 21, 2025

Please note that March 14th session is already full. Enroll new hires for the next one on March 21st.

Register for NEW Connect & Grow using the link listed above.

Location:  TPD West - Rillito Room - 1310 W. Miracle Mile, Tucson, AZ 
(free parking)

UPDATE: Beginning in November 2024, there will be two NEW Connect & Grow sessions held each month. Select the session that is nearest to the employee's hiring date.

Upcoming NEW Dates

March 21, 2025
April 11, 2025
April 25, 2025

Welcome to the City!

Welcome to the City of Tucson!

Congratulations on your new role! We are excited that you are joining the city and will have the opportunity to bring your talent, skills, and creativity to the important work we do. Thank you for fulfilling our mission of providing exceptional service to Tucsonans.

NEW Connect & Grow occurs regularly and provides new hires with an overview of city government and resources with the City of Tucson. Our goal with NEW Connect & Grow is to set up new hires for success upon arrival to the city. Attendees hear from various departments (Payroll, HR, Benefits, Pension, and more) and have the opportunity to have any questions or concerns addressed.  

* If you have questions about NEW Connect & Grow, please contact or speak to your HR satellite representative

NEW Connect & Grow Training Videos

New employees are expected to have completed the review of these videos in Workday as part of their tasks. For your convenience, they are reiterated below for reference and resource purposes. 
NEW Connect & Grow will offer an opportunity to connect with other new employees and engage with various City representatives who can address any questions you may have.

Please note that new hires must have a city email address in order to access the videos.


Please review each section below for supplementary resources available to new employees, which include mandatory compliance training to be completed within 30 days of employment, educational opportunities, downtown parking options, and more.

One City, One Team

Learn about our mission, vision, & goals:

City Services & Government 101

How familiar are you with City of Tucson leadership? Please feel free to learn more about our Mayor, City Council, and City Manager's Office.



It is important to elect a beneficiary and keep them up to date throughout your career with the City of Tucson. This can be done at any time. Please remember to update beneficiaries with the following benefits when needed:

Compliance/Mandatory Training

As a City of Tucson employee, there are other required trainings in addition to NEW. These trainings MUST be completed within 30 DAYS OF HIRE DATE. Please register or complete the following as soon as possible:

Required for ALL employees:

  1. Review Administrative Directives
  2. Register in the One Team website for R.I.S.K. 101: Required Introductory Safety Knowledge
  3. Office of Equal Opportunity Programs Employee Training Series:
    1.  OEOP Conduct and Ethics Presentation 4-5
      OEOP Harassment & Sexual Harassment Training Series 5-5
      OEOP Retaliation & Wrongful Conduct 3-5
      OEOP Series 2-5 Diversity & Inclusion
  4. Information Technology Security Training INFOSEC IQ
    1. 2023 Cyber Awareness Training

ONLY required for SOME employees:

  1. FLEET Driver's Training (required for those that drive or may drive City of Tucson vehicles)

Medical and Non-Medical Benefits

Thanks to City of Tucson leadership, our Benefits team offers a wealth of medical and non-medical benefits. Please learn more about some of these benefits below:

Benefits Digital Guide

If you have questions about Cigna, please reach out to:

Alejandra Fisher, MBA (she/her)
Wellbeing Coordinator
c: (520) 334-7141
Melissa Soto-Gonzalez
Cigna Client Service Partner

Explore all of our benefits:

Benefits OneTeam Page

Pension & Retirement

The City of Tucson offers an amazing Supplemental Retirement System to help you plan for retirement. Learn more here:

Pension OneTeam Page

Download the Beneficiary Designation Form

If you have questions regarding our pension, please reach out to

You are also eligible to participate in a Deferred Compensation plan through Empower Retirement. Learn more here: 

Empower Enrollment

Empower Retirement Portal 

Do you want more information or help signing up for Deferred Compensation? Please schedule a meeting with your Retirement Plan Advisor:

HR 101 & Payroll 101

Learn about rules & regulations, our timekeeping system, leave & more.

Payroll 101 Brochure
Payroll Calendar
Payroll Training
True Connect Loans

For payroll questions, contact

Learning & Development

The NEW Connect & Grow and the HR Learning & Development team, is responsible for various professional & personal development events. Please learn more about training & employee engagement opportunities we offer:

  • Designing the Future Together series
    • Introduction to Supervisory Academy
    • Advanced Leadership Academy
    • Coaching for Success
  • Educational Assistance Programs
    • Tuition Reimbursement
    • Qualified Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program (QELRAP)
    • Public Service Loan Forgiveness

  • Community Outreach

If you would like to learn more about our training & development opportunities, please visit our HR Learning & Development page. Please find any and all of our contact information on this page.

IT Resources

To help ensure the security of City of Tucson data, DUO authentication is being added when City users access some applications of the City’s network. In the future, other applications will also DUO authentication for access when the City network is not being used.

City of Tucson DUO Authentication

IT Training

IT Help Desk

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